Please contact us if you are interested in joining the lab.

Markus Stetter

Markus is group leader in the Institute for Plant Sciences at the University of Cologne read more


Akanksha Singh

Akanksha studies the introduction history of grain amaranth to India and the sources of adaptive alleles.

Margarita Takou

Margarita studies polygenic selection in an experimental population of European maize.

PhD candidates

Corbinian Graf

Corbinian is a PhD student studying the genetic landscape of grain amaranth and how it changed during the repeated domestication.

Susanne Vollmer

Susanne is a PhD student and part of the CEPLAS graduate school in collaboration with the Hensel lab at HHU. Susanne advances various molecular methods for amaranth and dissects the regulation of seed color adaptation.

Tom Winkler

Tom is a PhD student studying amaranth domestication and the involvement of transcriptomic changes in metabolic pathways

Yuna Zhang

Yuna studies polygenic adaptation and the evolution of trait syndromes as part of the TRR 341


Katharina Borowski

Katharina runs the office and does the paper work magic

Lab manager

Roswitha Lentz

Roswitha runs the wet lab and does the pipetting magic

BSc Thesis

Bartlomiej Chachula

Bartlomiej seed color change during amaranth domestication using AI driven seed phenotyping.

Maria Rodriguez

Maria studie betalain accumulation and its fitness consequences under stress in amaranth.

Carlotta Sehl

Carlotta develops grafting as tool for genome editing in amaranth

Student helpers and interns

Aslinur Aktürk

Aslinur updates AmaranthGDB to the most recent reference genome.

Fernanda Daniela Giampaoli

Fernanda helps with wet lab duties.

Ella Ludwig

Ella studies stuctural variation in amaranth.

Joining the lab

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Lab alumni

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